Scrappy Doo

Well, I’ve been hammered with an Honest Scrap award from Drew of Ecologic Consulting. Thank you, Drew! I’m quite honored and smiling up a storm.

Getting this award requires a number of tasks. One of these is to tell 10 honest things about myself. Well, that’s pretty easy to do because…

1.   I’m a very open person. I say what I see and wear my heart on my sleeve. I completely perceive this as a major flaw, mind you. Would that I were harder to read and be less likely to cry at any emotional moment, happy or sad…. I think this openness trait also contributes to me being a friendly talker. I can easily enjoy a conversation with any given stranger in any given place. One time I spent hours in a Goodwill in the dishes aisle chatting with a woman about everything under the sun. I think we just had so much in common, including the openness, talkative gene!


2.   The simple things in life are often the things that delight me the most. Maybe that’s why I’m also a nature girl.


3.   I’m a very visual person. If I can’t see it in front of me, I’m unlikely to remember it. Therefore, anyone who tells me his or her name might as well assume I’m going to forget it unless there’s some other visual connection (like a garden blog!). I’m particularly bad at remember names of anyone in a group. Somehow the higher number of people just ensures that I’m going to forget absolutely everyone’s names. This has definitely gotten worse with age. And according to my kids, I’m officially old, as of my last birthday.


4.   I tune in easily with animals. Perhaps that’s also why I have so many pets. And they all follow me around no matter what I’m doing, like my little pack. My husband long ago gave up trying to keep them out of the study when I’m in there. Even my little dwarf puffer comes out to see me when I’m around.


5.   I’m easily distracted. What?


6.   I’m a perfectionist. Here, let me correct that, perfectionist that I am. I’m a selective perfectionist. This means that while I’m not a perfectionist about everything, I’m absolutely obsessive about the things I choose, consciously or subconsciously, to be a perfectionist about, typically something I create.


7.   Green has always been my favorite color. Why on earth didn’t I become a gardener sooner?


8.   I buy too many plants without having a bed to place them in directly. I can blame this on my mother, for sure. She’s always been an impulse shopper, and so am – ooh, shiny!


9.   While I love to shop for plants, I hate to shop for clothes. I have the unfortunate luck of only being able to find things I like if they are an impulse buy and not an “I desperately need to have something to wear to such-and-such event” item. On the other hand, my clothes budget is very low. All that money goes to plants instead!


10.  I love spur-of-the-moment activities. That’s what adds spice to my life, baby!


11.  What, 11? As another blogger once put it, she breaks rules, and so do I on stuff like this. So my award tasks end here – I enjoy way too many blogs to try to choose ones to hammer with an award, but I gush about all of you in my own way. I’d hammer you all, if I could!

Thank you again, Drew!

5 thoughts on “Scrappy Doo

  1. Meredith,
    Oh my, the first 6 items you listed are me to the tee. I have a motto out of sight out of mind. I place things in spots and forget them if I don’t see them. Perfectionist too, except I don’t like cleaning that much, it’ll just be dirty again later.

  2. Great to learn about you, Meredith. Loved the one about not being a clothes shopper. I’d much rather spend my money on my garden than my wardrobe, much less spend time in a clothing store.

  3. I felt completely ignorant about plants, Tatiana. I’d had zero experience with gardening, and it seemed a scary prospect. It wasn’t until I started gardening for wildlife that I really began going crazy with it!

  4. Nice to get to know you better. I could definitely relate to a lot of those. Like …. walking around and around the garden looking for a little space to plant something. Not enough room for the plants I love. Your male butterfly photo is great. I’m glad you found one. Have a good day!

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