Gawking at the Hawk

rthawk12-17-09.jpgAs my kids and I drove into our subdivision, a red-tailed hawk swooped in from above, landing on a telephone pole. We realized it wasn’t alone — it had captured a tiny rodent and was settling in for its mini-feast. It took about 1.5 seconds for us to decide to rush home for the camera and rush right back.


I have to say that it was a challenge to take photographs without going “Ewwwwww” everytime the hawk pulled out some sort of entrail. 

5 thoughts on “Gawking at the Hawk

  1. Meredith,
    Good find and the hawk waited for you with the camera. I once saw a Red-tailed hawk grab a rabbit along the highway. Not a real big deal until I drove by the same location a few days later and again saw the hawk grab a rabbit exactly the same way as a few days before.

  2. The circle of nature! I love hawks too, we’ve seen a lot of fish hawks flying recently around us. They appear to have been enjoying riding on the therms with the cooler weather and breeze.

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