Back in the Garden

For many of my plants, this is their “creep” year, and for a few, it’s their “leap” year.

fournerve04-03-10.jpgI’m counting on it, because so far this season I’ve had very little time to spend in my own garden — it’s all gone to the school habitat. My poor plants have been on their own for awhile now!

Some of the second-year plants aren’t just blooming –they’re by gosh BLOOOOMING. Gorgeously so. The four-nerves, seen above, are finally blooming with gusto. And my Salvia greggii in the front yard has really started to take off.


My crossvine has exploded in tubular flowers and buds-to-be. Really, I’m astonished everytime I look at it — it hardly bloomed in the fall, and now you can barely see the leaves through all the blooms. This picture is from a few days ago, and the blooms are far greater in number now.

And I sense that it will be another good wildlife year. My first official spring garden visitor captured with a camera is a new species to my yard, that I’m aware of. I believe this is a Juniper Hairstreak, a little tattered but enjoying its time on my Blackfoot Daisy.

juniper04-03-10.jpgLast weekend we did begin to attempt to tackle the Weed Jungle. It’s so horrifying I can’t bring myself to take a picture of it. On the plus side, though, it inspired me to make a pathway through it, and now it will be easier to know what is meant to be pathway and what is meant to be free-plant-zone. And I don’t mean weeds!

And as it turns out, a Weed Jungle makes for pretty good places to hide Easter Eggs. Two positives! Think I’ll be in such a good mood after we get back to work on the weeds this weekend?

Tomorrow’s the Wildflower Plant sale, and I’m sure I’ll once again overspend buying plants I haven’t yet prepared beds for. On the other hand, that’s pretty much how I garden, so I guess I can just smile and enjoy the process!

7 thoughts on “Back in the Garden

  1. An interesting description of the blooming year; creep and leap! I enjoy looking at the flowers….. especially those crowding and fighting for a higher space to show off.. ~bangchik

  2. You are surely not alone in your gardening methods. I have so many plants, waiting for beds. Some are too tender for temps like the last two nights. They have to be hauled in and out.
    I guess I won’t ever learn.

  3. I hope you enjoy the plant sale, Meredith. 🙂 Your crossvine is spectacular, and you got a wonderful shot of the Juniper Hairstreak. That’s such a gorgeous blue-green shimmer; I hope those tatters mean he’s wise enough to escape the birds now for the rest of the season.

  4. well, don’t feel bad, Meredith. our entire “lawn” is a carpet of weeds. i’ve got quite a pile of them decomposing in the back now, but it is a never-ending task of pulling them up! the thistles keep popping up every time i turn around! great pic of the butterfly!

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