How do you spell a scream?








Six black masses of bobbing, quivering harvestmen– a.k.a. Daddy Longlegs– showed up… on… my…house. What is up with that?!! Did they read my post about them and decide this was where they all must congregate? All this rain and my new dark eaves must make the outside of my house seem like a nice, pleasant cave to them. I find this UNACCEPTABLE. 

Flying pig, take me away!

flyingpig07-03-10.jpgHurray for my hubby — he scooped the groups of Harvestmen into a bucket with a lid WITH HIS BARE HANDS and relocated them to the greenbelt behind our fence.


11 thoughts on “AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

  1. I don’t want to hear you complaining about aphids and other bugs eating your plants now. Daddy Loaglegs make Lady Bugs look bad in the aphid eating department. At night they all go into the gardens, eating every bug they can find. I treasure mine. I would call you a sissy but then I must remember you came all the way out here in the sticks for gold fish, by your self.
    By the way, I have more if you need some.

  2. They eat aphids? Good to know. I still don’t want them on my house, though. They can come into the garden from the back of the yard after hours, if they like. As long as I’m not out there in the garden, too!

  3. They eat aphids? Take them to the school! Harvestmen for Habitats!
    (Why is the captcha for this message “is horribly”? Have you rigged the captcha, Meredith?)

  4. HA! From the first pictures I thought you were going to say you got snow! In July! I’m sure you disagree, but that would be worse then spiders.

  5. Right? Those caterpillars basically massacre the garden, but these helpful fellows are cast out with extreme prejudice. That’s racist!

  6. Bah, not a single harvestman was harmed — I do appreciate the good they do. They can visit our garden from the other side of the yard. But I don’t have to share my living quarters with them!
    And I think the term would be “speciesist” — haha.

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