How Much Do You Love Dirt?

Would you rub your face in it?

mudshowa10-31-10.jpgOr would you swan dive into it?

mudshowb10-31-10.jpgAnd then do this?

Is this where the saying “dirty old man” comes from?

mudshowc10-31-10.jpgTechnically these guys are enjoying dirt and water… a.k.a. MUD. They are the Sturdy Beggars of the Mud Show at the Texas Renaissance Festival. A classic show, and always entertaining.

But I realized that I’ve really become a gardening geek when I found myself thinking — “that mud just doesn’t look good for plants. Needs more compost.” I even found myself drawn to the artificial flowers they stuck in the mud, wanting to decorate with more real flowers.

Geek. That’s me. On the other hand, I don’t rub my face in mud.

How about this 12-foot tall Walking Tree Man?


The honeycomb and bird’s nest are a nice touch.

6 thoughts on “How Much Do You Love Dirt?

  1. Oh my…sadly, last Mother’s Day my hubby snapped a pic of me looking much like these fellows (well, minus the facial hair, thankfully!) When he and the kids asked what I wanted for Mother’s Day, I told them I wanted to get the big veggie garden planted…and that’s what we did. In the rain! I loved it–but I was head-to-toe in mud. Now, I know some people would tsk-tsk me for planting in the rain, compacting the soil, etc…but when you have kids, you take what garden time you can get! Look forward to reading more of your posts!

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