All I Want For Christmas Is Peas

Everyone has had such lovely holiday and winter pictures to share on their garden blogs, so I went out to my garden for some pictures and saw mostly dormant perennials looking less than festive. My husband’s work has been stressful and long, too, so we really haven’t had a chance to tour the lights, either. Alas. I did bake cookies last night, though!

peasb12-23-10.jpgBut meanwhile, what is growing in my poor neglected garden are veggies. I’ve been especially looking forward to sugar snap peas this season, and I’ve been waiting… and waiting… and waiting.

peasa12-23-10.jpgUsually I feast on them right in the garden, having to will myself to save a few for my family. But I’d about given up hope this year — I seemed to be growing lots of green vines with no pea activity in sight.


But the good news is that finally the pea vines have beautiful white flowers, and I was excited this morning to find four actual peas, as well. I tasted one — not ready yet. But I am filled with hope!


So this holiday, I wish for peas… AND peace. Whirled or world, may peas be with you.


I wish everyone the happiest of holiday seasons!

11 thoughts on “All I Want For Christmas Is Peas

  1. I am with Jennifer, so jealous you have fresh veggies growing. And peace be with you and your family too for the holidays, Meridith. Have a happy New Year as well.

  2. I know reading your posts always bring me peace, so thank you, Meredith. Patience is not easing when you are filled with anticipation for some delicious fresh-from-the-garden treats! (Sounds a lot like many little ones pretending to sleep at the moment waiting in anticipation to “wake up” and open presents in the morning.) Hope yours and your husband’s is Merry and peaceful! I also love the peanut butter feeders on your previous post, fond childhood memories!

  3. Merry Christmas Meredith! I’m still hoping to get out to the Zilker tree this year! Your peas look yummy…hope the cold of the last few nights hasn’t bitten them.

  4. Meredith, hope your lovely pea plants delivered for you and graced your Christmas plate! At this time of year I envy you your climate, particularly now that the Winter Wonderland is transformed in to its more normal dank grey drabness. Roll on Spring!

  5. Merideth, it has been forever and a day since I’ve visited your blog; not on purpose mind you, but other things have soaked up my time and energy and I quit blogging for nearly a year. My husband has cancer and his treatments and the stress that goes along with it has literally sucked me dry. When I went to get back to blogging, someone had stolen my URL, so I decided to start fresh and anew, and I began another site and mixed in a little of life’s ingredients along with gardening. I hope that maybe one day you will traipse on over to my site. If not, I will be back to yours. Your posts, as usual, are wonderful. Your photography is beautiful. How do you put your copyright signature on each picture? I’d like to learn how to do that. Enjoy your new year! – Miss Daisy

  6. Tracy, Cat, Janet, and Carolyn — amazingly the pea plants are bigger than ever, but only a few more peas are there. They are all puny instead of plump. But I remain hopeful still!
    Jen — welcome back! I zipped right over to see your new blog. I know it has been very difficult with your husband’s cancer, but you persevere and find the best in life. I can’t wait to try out many of the recipes you’ve posted on your blog!

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