Arrrgh, there be treasure in that garden

Our house was built in 1971, and the earlier tenants were remarkable yard slobs, or this property was a dumping ground for someone long ago. I am amazed by some of the things I find deep below the earth — I have found parts of old metal tools, broken pots, and more — sometimes a foot into the soil. While digging part of a new garden bed in the front yard, I dug out this interesting item:


It was not that clean when I found it, mind you. Immediately my mind made plans for some excellent recycling project that would turn this old bottle into something fun for the garden. I had decided to turn it into a hummingbird feeder, much like the one I found at this site. However, in searching for feeder tubes, I learned that these kinds of upside-down feeders with stopper tubes are prone to leaking. The site does say that larger bottles are more likely to leak, but now I’m not sure I want spend money on supplies if it actually would leak and become less useful.

I’ve thought about putting the glass bottle on a new bottle tree, but it’s not as pretty as those colorful bottles people usually choose. Other ideas include using it with a plant nanny to water a container, using it as a vase (I already have vases, though), putting mini-lights in it, creating some sort of oil-and-vinegar thing, filling it with sand. I also thought about doing some sort of message in a bottle. Ruled the pond out for that one, though, lol. Maybe it could be a place in the house where my family looks for messages from one another, just for fun. Or even on the front porch.

I’m definitely in the market for suggestions! Or your experience with that type of hummingbird feeder tube — I was really looking forward to the project.

6 thoughts on “Arrrgh, there be treasure in that garden

  1. Wow! An actual, vintage GLASS (not plastic) Coke bottle — it’s the REAL thing…(as their advertising campaign used to say!!!). I wish I could help you out with an idea, but my brain is so fried today (an arthritic doggy who gets up at 3:30 when his pain medication wears off has been disrupting my sleep cycle a bit). I need a nap!

  2. Hi Meredith, what a great find! Our old property seemed to be a dumping ground as well. When something cool is found, it gets a place in the garden, many times in the fairy garden area, since we figure these are gifts from the fairies. Maybe upside down in the soil?
    Frances at Fairegarden

  3. After doing a bit of research, it looks like this Coca-Cola bottle is from the 1957-1960 production. I’ve definitely got to do something with it now!

  4. Hi Meredith, I remember bottles like that. I wish I had some advice for its use, but I don’t. I love the green color though. I’m sure you’ll figure out something beautiful to do with it. Thanks so much for coming by my garden blog too. 🙂 ~~Dee

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