Dirty Little Secrets

Did I get your attention? C’mon, admit it. You’re already here. Can’t stop now. And if you don’t admit it, then you know…you’ll have your own dirty secret. 🙂

Well, this post is in thank you to Jessica of The Magical Mundane, who so kindly selected my blog to receive the MeMe Blogging Award. I was so honored by her words– Jessica, you really made me smile! The steps for me to accept the award are revealing 7 things about myself and then passing the award onto 7 others.

But I’m torn. And I had to give this a lot of thought before making my decision. On the one hand, Jessica truly made me feel good, and I’d love to do that for others. On the other hand, wow I just don’t like to send these kinds of things on. I started to, but then stopped. There are so many deserving bloggers out there, and I just don’t even know how to begin to choose, but then I worry about putting someone in a similar predicament of trying to figure out whether they should send them on, too. So with that, I can’t fully participate.

But here’s my compromise. I’ll do the first half — I’ll reveal dirty secrets about myself. It’s ok to talk about dirty stuff — I’m a gardener. (HEY — that might have to be my new motto.) Or maybe I’m NOT really a gardener… but you’ll have to read on to see my confession. Here goes — 7ish things about myself.

1. When I say I’ve been a nature and wildlife lover all my life, I mean it. I have a B.A. in Zoology, and wouldn’t you know it, I long for one in Botany now, too!

2. I have a strong British heritage, and I married someone with Irish ancestry. But I look more Irish than my husband does.

3. When I was young, my dad always hogged and hid the chocolate syrup, not wanting to share with his kids. I don’t hide the chocolate syrup, but I claim all Chocolate Underground Stoneyfield Yogurt!  I also have a weakness for chocolate and strawberries. (A moment of silence, if you will, for the yogurt I devoured soon after taking this picture.)

happyyogurt4. I live in Texas, but my favorite region is the northwest coast. I lived in northern California for several years of my childhood. I think if I could be a tree, I’d be a Redwood.

5. Up until this last year I was a triathlete. Back injuries have made it difficult for me to do two of the three sports, but as alternative activity, gardening has actually been fine as long as I’m careful. I love open-water swimming in a lake with a big, big passion. Of course, it would have to be water in a lake that hasn’t been almost dried up due to drought.

6. I live for lime. Any kind of lime will do, but I particularly love key limes. I’m already drooling just thinking about it. If you ever come visit me, I make a mean key lime pie and a mean margarita. I now have three Mexican lime trees. When they start to fruit, I’ll be in lime heaven!

happylime7. Our house is colorful and cozy, typical of most homes, but when you walk into our study, you venture into somewhat of a Star Wars theme. We have a variety of posters and Lego models, primarily related to the original movies. My husband is a true Sci-Fi geek, and I still admit to having a lingering crush on Han Solo, ever since my childhood (I confess to gazing across at the picture of Han Solo on the file cabinet while I typed this).

happyhanOk, I’ll admit one more truly dark, dirty secret. And I’ve already been told that perhaps I’m not really a gardener because of this, but… I don’t like tomatoes. Well, not fresh off the tomato plant. (Stop gasping!) Something about the fresh acidity of the tomato, I guess, which is weird because I do have a passion for citrus, and I love anything with cooked or dried tomatoes. BUT a friend brought over cute little cherub tomatoes last week, and I managed to eat three of them! So there’s hope for me yet. I just need to find out whether I can grow cute little cherub tomatoes in Austin, and then perhaps I’ll really be a true gardener in the eyes of my fellow gardeners. There, MY DIRTY LITTLE SECRET. Err, secrets.

Jessica, thank you again!


9 thoughts on “Dirty Little Secrets

  1. Meredith, thank you very much for this reveal. Now, I feel that I know more about you and what a nice person you are. I think Han Solo is a hero too and I have watched all his Star Wars movies, once during my schooldays and recently with my kids. It’s wonderful, isn’t it?

  2. Thank you, Autumn. We have something in common besides our love of gardening! But keep your hands off Han Solo, he’s mine… 😉

  3. LOL! You are such a hoot! I’m like you, it’s fun to do the MeMe’s but it’s also hard to choose who to pass the torch to because some people really like to do them and others don’t. I just got passed the MeMe torch, too, so you’ll be reading some of my deep, dark secrets! 🙂 Hey, I didn’t like tomatoes until I was in my late 20’s, so there’s hope for you, kid! And even then, I don’t like them on salads; just sandwiches! Ah, a Han Solo fan–I drooled over Luke! Sounds like our hubby’s are similar. Mine likes SciFi, too. It was fun getting to know you a little better!

  4. i feel like i know you better already!! and that we have alot more in common than we knew! apparently, according to my uncle, he and my dad would run to the store when we were kids and park around the corner to finish up their chocolate bars so they wouldn’t have to share with us…LOL also, i too live in texas as you know, but part of my heart is in the pacific northwest after having living in humboldt county for many years. i miss those giant redwoods everyday to be honest! (and the pacific ocean too). i do love it here, but on a different level.
    umm…i don’t like tomatoes either..shhhh!! but i LOVE to grow them and will eat the ones i grow if prepared right..hehe
    i was never an athlete…can’t run to save my life, well maybe to save my life. but my darling J was a long distance runner most of his life until injuries forced him to stop…and also a surfer and you know a skateboarder..;)
    i LOVE limes as well. we have one mexican lime tree but it has never blossomed. have had it for 2 years now…thoughts on this? it’s super healthy, but i’m dying for fresh limes! (is it too early to drool over the thought of margaritas? hehe)
    stoneyfield yogurt is our absolute favorite, but i haven’t tried the chocolate…will have to do that!
    nature and wildlife have always been super important to me as well, except my degree is in religious studies – mainly native american and eastern. however, i just was talking to J the other day about taking some botany classes..;)
    so see? your dirty secrets are not far off from mine!
    (no flowers yet btw…bah!)

  5. I could tell we were a lot alike from the get-go, Cat. Hate to tell you this, but your secrets are out! Hehehe. 🙂

  6. There is nothing wrong with not caring for tomatoes, Meredith. I say thank goodness for those who don’t care much for tomatoes; it means less competition for tomato seeds and seedlings for those of us like them! By the way, my husband huge Star Wars fan too.

  7. I am glad you liked getting it and that you played along. I too dislike fresh tomatoes. I love them mixed in with other things but the idea of just biting in to one makes me gag. Yuck! Mmm about Harrison Ford. I am more of a Trekkie girl but Harrison is a yummy Han Solo. I prefer him most as Indiana Jones but that doesn’t me I won’t gawk at him in Star Wars too.

  8. Great to hear more about you on your reveals! And actually, I wish I’d taken the same line when passing on the MeMe – you’re right … there are so many wonderful blogs out there!!

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