Less Paint, More Grout

I haven’t seen a weather report like this in a long time, but here’s what it shows for Austin today.

austinweather09-09-09.jpgI spent a gleeful morning thinking of rain to come. But here at my house, as of almost 2:00 this afternoon, we’ve gotten exactly 3 drops of water (ok, maybe not EXACTLY 3 drops, but close). Does that mean I’ve already met my 80% chance of rain for the day?

Regardless of what percentage of rain I do get today, it’s 100% chance of zero-progress on painting the exterior of the house, which was the original goal for today and the rest of the week. So I turned my eyes to the garden and spent the morning getting new seeds into soil so that they could enjoy the benefit of the next few days of 3 drops of water, I mean rain. Veggies, bird-favorite perennials (pigeonberry and turk’s cap), and even a few tree seeds (just to see what would happen) all got planted today. Since the rain didn’t/hasn’t come, they even got watered by me.

Of our many sunflower seedlings I planted this summer, only 3 have survived the heat and the dogs. The dogs were the main culprits in the demise of most of the seedlings — they trampled every spot I planted the little sprouts. But the three that remain all have buds, with one slightly ahead of the others.


Over by the side yard, the birds are getting fat from the birdfeeder. Hmmm, I never realized how those bamboo windchimes in the backyard look from the front of the fence, partially hidden by the feeder. Ah well, I know where to move them!

cardinal09-09-09.jpgOne of life’s little ironies is that while most of the sunflower seeds I purchased, planted, and nurtured didn’t make it, I have several growing wild under the birdfeeder. I guess I should have saved the money on the other seeds!

sunflowerseedlings09-09-09.jpgOne sunflower seed even managed to make its way into one of the terra cotta pots the kids left nearby. Seeing how it found its own little pot to grow in reminds me of a little homeless kitten mewing at one’s doorstep — pulls at the heartstrings. You better believe I’m going to let it grow!

sunflowerseedling09-09-09.jpgSo the chance of rain has ruined my painting plans, but it’s the perfect opportunity to work on another project. I’m going to finally mosaic our birdbath. It’s a great time to do it, and in the meantime the little birdies will have lots of other water available, I hope, when the rains do begin to pour. Oh please, oh please, oh please!


10 thoughts on “Less Paint, More Grout

  1. We haven’t gotten any rain the last 3 weeks. I was excited to hear on Saturday we were to get thunderstorms, which consisted of ZERO drops. Sniff. Only cloud cover. My plants are looking ragged with the heat and no rain. I hope you get more than we did. My step-daughter mosaiced our bird bath and I LOVE it. She did such a great job. I’m excited to see what you’ll do with yours. You are one talented lady, so I’m sure it will be picture perfect. Glad to hear my dogs aren’t the only ones who wreak havoc on my plants. I had a gorgeous catmint plant that the dogs completely obliterated by trampling on it. Sniff. It was looking so pretty. Funny about your stray seed finding a pot on its own. It wanted a home, I guess, and found a good one.

  2. Ooh, I’d love to see your birdbath — is there a picture you can link, or is it in one of your lovely garden blog photos? We’ll see how this goes — it’s going to be quite the endeavour! It shouldn’t take me nearly as long as my last one, which was a mosaic of a bridge. This one is going to have a (mostly) random look about it.

  3. Great to see your sunflowers coming through all test. The little one in the pot is what gardeners would come to term with occasionally… SURPRISES!… my sole surviving sunflower is doing too. Happy Gardening ~ bangchik

  4. Your post made me laugh as I was reading another blog of a gardener up in CT who every fall they just buy a bag of sunflower birdseed and spread it all over their meadow and she has a great sunflower crop come next spring. Interesting. But she says they are really nutrient hogs so the crop depletes over the years and they have to let it lie fallow every few years to recharge.

  5. Too bad we can’t export some of our raindrops to you. We might have been able to spare a million or so this summer – riches indeed. We now have sunshine – that is to say four out of the last five days have been glorious, three in a row. Good enough to go down to the sea and have a swim.
    Ironically, though we have had no sunshine for two months the sunflowers have been fabulous. Pictures to follow.

  6. We finally had a glorious night of gentle rain, perfect considering I just planted a bunch of seeds in the garden. Other areas of Austin have had rain at different times and days, some with gentle rain, some with downpours. I hope that all areas are getting some water. I’m happy you’ve had such beautiful weather this week. I can’t wait to see your sunflowers!

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