That’s Not a Wildflower on My Head…


That’s not a wildflower on my head, but please don’t pick it, either!


***Got any other captions to suggest? Please share!***

Photo is of a resident peacock at Mayfield Park and Preserve in Austin, Texas. This park is a historical estate known for its beautiful gardens, lovely old cottage, gorgeous peafowl, and many acres of nature preserve. It was pretty wet and drizzly during much of my visit, but I plan to do a photo tour at a later date.

The feathers on top of the peacock are called its crest. It’s interesting to note that the peacock’s crest is blue to match his feathers, and the peahen’s crest is brown to match hers. Here’s another view.


The peafowl were happily looking for bugs on the damp ground. Did you know they eat ticks? They could walk behind the deer in our city and just feast away.

11 thoughts on “That’s Not a Wildflower on My Head…

  1. I find it funny that in much of the animal world it IS in fact the males that get to do the peacocking and swanning to get the girl, and our species took it backwards. Not to generalize 100%, but I think there are way more makeup users and implant buyers that are female, not to mention the colorful clothing, etc. Humph.

  2. Excellent point, Tatiana. I guess some men do a fair amount of their own kind of macho stuff to get a mate, but typically less so in the fashion department (and sometimes too much of the macho, for that matter). Historically speaking, much of what women had to do to “beautify” themselves (or sometimes the opposite, to hide their beauty) was because of men (corsets, high heels, bound feet, and so forth). Boy is that off-subject for a garden blog, haha!

  3. What a beautiful peacock! The colors are more vibrant than I’ve seen before. We were lucky to see one walking around a park this year and it was so beautiful. I kept waiting for it to spread it’s feather but it didn’t happen.

  4. Hi Meredith, your photos are so gorgeous. I am smitten with this beautiful peacock, enchanting colors! I love how that sign was right above his head.He or she looked like an enchanted crowned creature!Thankyou for visiting my blog and the wonderful comments you left. Much appreciated! I have been enjoying myself exploring your much to look at and i love your photos. A wonderful charming blog..keep creating.. it is fantastic!

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