Icy Falls

Bundled up in parkas, hats, and gloves to drive my son to his basketball game, we noticed how few cars were on the road despite the gorgeous sunny day. I guess most people decided to huddle under heavy blankets and sleep in, given that last night our area broke record lows, hitting the teens and single digits in many areas. It’s cold! I love it, even if my plants don’t. The cold didn’t stop the kids from impressing us with their basketball skills, either. Watching them run back and forth warmed the rest of us up!

icypondc01-09-10.jpgIt’s been a relatively dry cold front, but doggy water bowls, birdbaths, and ponds still show us the effects of the temperature drop. I thought our pond would be fine, given that it has a substantial waterfall, but I was surprised to find fat icicles hanging like stalactites under the falls.

icypondb01-09-10.jpgOn the side of the pond where the lilies hang out in better temperatures, a thin icy cover delighted the kids, who poked at an edge to crack it and discovered their fingers didn’t care for the freezing water. And in the remaining bits of Ruby Red Runner, full frozen water drops glittered like diamonds in the sun.

 icypond01-09-10.jpgI hope in the deep areas of the pond, we still have 9 little goldfish awaiting warmer times.

5 thoughts on “Icy Falls

  1. Yeah, I bet your goldfish are just fine. Not like you live in Minnesota or something! One year when I was growing up there my family took out the fish and put them in a bucket in the garage–but with a bubbler going to keep it from freezing. My little sister unplugged it and a few weeks later we had goldfish popsicles.

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