6 thoughts on “When Plants Attack

  1. Excellent video with lots of important information. Thanks, Meredith.
    To imbed the video in your post, just copy all the text from the ‘Embed’ window to the right of the vid on the Youtube site and paste it into your post. Not a problem just to click on the link, though.

  2. Inspires me to do the same out here. Well done. The Austin area is leaps and bounds ahead of other areas of the country, so I hope the ideas are catching!

  3. It’s funny cause I just read Day of the Triffids a few months ago 🙂 Great video, but I’m inclined to be more philosophical – even invasive plants are doing what they do – surviving. The earth is not a static system and new species get introduced all the time, not just through humans either. Often they have a huge impact but such is the story of life and survival on this planet. Eventually something will come along that will wipe out the kudzu and who’ll remember that it was once an invader itself?

  4. Thanks for sharing this. We are fighting nandina and ligustrum both, though we planted neither. It’s hard to keep up, especially when both thrive no matter the weather, but worth the fight!

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