Envy Me My Earth Day Hat

Today at school, in honor of Earth Week, the kids donned hats made of reused/recycled materials/trash and had a full-school parade. Well, I just had to have one for the occasion, too. Meet my flowered pillbox hat.


Here are the supplies I used:

  • Newspaper
  • Milk jug
  • Aluminum can
  • Paints (I happened to have acrylic on hand for another project we’re working on)
  • Paintbrush (I found a use for a foam brush that we’ve had in our garage for 10+ years)
  • Scissors
  • Glue (I used hot glue to speed up the process)
  • Items to use as circle templates

First, I painted the newspaper and let it dry. I painted the papers pretty thin to conserve paint and because I wanted to show the newspaper print underneath — this aided in a nice, quick drying time.

earthdayhatb04-20-2011.jpgWhile the paint was drying, I washed the milk jug and cut the lower part off for the hat base (in fact, my son used the upper part for his hat, which I should point out was NOT flowered).


Then I grabbed nearby glasses and paint bottles of various sizes to use as circle templates. I opted for three sizes of circles, the smallest being about the size of a half-dollar coin.

Once I had lots of circles cut out, I arranged them into groups of three, varying the color combinations but always having a large, medium, and small circle in a set.

earthdayhatd04-20-2011.jpgNext, I crumpled up each set of circles into balls then opened them back up. This gave them the flower effect. I stacked and hot-glued each set, then immediately glued each flower to the milk jug. In all, I made 28 flowers, which might sound like a lot but it went fairly quickly.

Finally, I decided to give each flower a center — my son cut little circles out of an aluminum can for me, then I glued them onto the flowers. And that was that!

earthdayhatf04-20-2011.jpgAnd there’s my Earth Day hat. You, too, can have one for the low, low, price of nothing! I wish I could show you all the amazing hats the kids wore at school — everything from decorated lamp shades to piñata heads to incredible contraptions of aluminum cans, plastic bottles, cereal boxes, plastic grocery bags, and more. So creative!

10 thoughts on “Envy Me My Earth Day Hat

  1. Thanks, all! We’ve had so much fun with Earth Week. Alan, you are such a riot. I’ll have to figure out a plan for pants next year. And Diana, my hair is temporarily shorter — I much prefer long hair most of the time.

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