The Lovable Furry Creature

It started out like any other afternoon. I went out to garden and got distracted immediately by butterflies flutterbying. Then I noticed two Queen butterflies doing their thing on the fence by the veggie garden, and as I just couldn’t miss the photo opportunity, I ran to get the camera. Just in case you are interested, the male is at the fence’s edge, and the female is upside-down.


But what I really want to draw your attention to is the sneaky little voyeur nicely camouflaged in the lower right corner. I didn’t notice it until the Queens flew away.

And suddenly I forgot all about those pretty butterflies, and I was in love. Sorry, hubby.

jumpingspiderc11-13-09.jpgIsn’t she CUTE? Here she is again, turned for your viewing pleasure.


She has interesting markings on her back. She’s some species of Phidippus, but I couldn’t find a similar spider online with those kinds of markings. So for now, she’s “Phidippus Meredith.”


Would she have attacked the butterflies if they hadn’t flown off? Did they fly off because of me (probably) or the spider? I guess we’ll just never know!

After a bit I pulled my two plain blue eyes away from her eight gorgeous hypnotic black eyes and went to check on the veggies, where I found this monster chewing away. NOT cute.

lettucepest11-13-09.jpgMy son came outside then, so I rushed to show him the spider. And look what she had caught! Smart girl! What is that?


Look, now she’s giving it a hug!

jumpingspidere11-13-09.jpgShe loves it!

jumpingspiderh11-13-09.jpgNot too far away, I found another jumping spider (and I was ecstatic, of course). This one is Phidippus mystaceus, also CUTE. How can you resist her? She’s so furry and lovable. Her eight eyes give her remarkable vision. Quite the tracker. Little flies would land near her, and she would turn her body instantaneously to watch them.

jumpingspiderb11-13-09.jpgBye, little spider! I love you!


18 thoughts on “The Lovable Furry Creature

  1. You freaked me out a little with those close-ups, Meredith. I find spiders fascinating in a creepy way, not a lovable way, I’m afraid. I think she would have jumped those butterflies, and she’d jump you too if you were smaller or she was bigger. 😉

  2. Great Stems, you concern me. I’m not so sure I’m quite as taken with your stalker creepy carnivorous backyard eight legged loiterer. She’s cute, but now that I know what she’s capable of, I just dunno…
    -The shots are impressive.

  3. LOL…I can’t say I have ever thought a spider was cute, but she really is. It looks like she has those google eyes and a smile. I love her color. She likes to hug..LOL. Enjoyed the post. -Amy

  4. At first I was all prepared to be in love with those wonderful butterlfy pictures but then along came a spider and I was caught entirely in his web.
    I am not any fan of spiders but this little fuzzy critter could change my mind. You got some amazing photos of this!

  5. oh my gosh. I can’t believe you captured all this. Well, I can actually b/c you have a great eye and a great camera. I’ll admit at one point, I got very nervous for the butterflies innocently and lovingly doing their thing.
    I’ve mentioned this before, but I hope you’re shopping these photographs around – they’re really awesome and educational. I can envision them in any school textbook.

  6. Oh! I love it! These are amazing spider photos. And what a cuddly furry one. It is quite cute. How intelligent of it to go after nasty stink bugs.
    In the cool, rainy summer of 2007, I had loads of spiny backed orb weavers and one arabesque orb weaver which would rebuild its web each day. I haven’t seen many spiders this year although some tiny ones show up on flower close ups.
    BTW. I finally got one butterfly photo. Nothing like yours, but I’m making progress.

  7. Extraordinary! Love your mini movie with such interesting subjects. You have a fabulous eye and clever perspective! I believe there is a story in there somewhere-maybe a children’s book? I am certain there are plenty of others out there who might have a passion for adorable arachnids!

  8. Oh I adore your fuzzy friends! I am so glad you got your camera to share them with us. Jumping spiders are my all time favorite spiders.
    What is your camera set-up, Meredith? I’d love to start stalking my own garden for some of the lesser-seen friends…

  9. Love the butterflies, but furry spider has won my heart. I can see why you were so taken. I’d love to see him in my garden.

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